


A home burglary can happen anyw在这里 – the city, the suburbs and in rural areas. According to the most current data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 住宅物业占 几乎63%的入室盗窃案 in 2019. 不要让你的家成为另一个统计数字.

Even if you're not home when it happens, a burglary can shatter your feeling of security. 幸运的是, taking some simple precautions may help reduce the risk of a burglar gaining access to your home.


It is beneficial to know what items burglars tend to target so that you can plan your home security measures accordingly. Thieves are typically looking for small items with monetary value they can grab quickly and resell easily.

  • Drawers and closets in the master bedroom are often w在这里 thieves look first. 把贵重物品、珠宝、收藏品和现金放在其他地方.
  • 你的办公室或办公桌上可能堆满了重要的文件, 对账单和支票簿——这可能会导致身份盗用. 加密存储在家用电脑上的易受攻击的信息, 把重要的文件放在 家安全. Keep your safe well hidden and bolted to the floor, if possible, so it cannot be easily removed.
  • Thieves will also target the family room, looking for gaming systems and small electronics. Consider covering your windows with shades that filter light but block an intruder's view of your components.

At night, turn on your lights, open your curtains and walk around the exterior of your home. 你会看到小偷从你的院子或人行道上看到的东西. 然后找人把你家里的灯关掉. 你可能会惊讶地发现,你仍然可以从街道上看到很多东西. After this exercise, you might choose to move certain items or draw the blinds more frequently.





帮助 minimize the risk of burglary and keep your home more secure with these suggested measures.

  • 门窗 -锁好所有入口. 信不信由你, it may be one of the simplest and most obvious precautions that 房主 tend to forget and which burglars tend to exploit. Maybe you've lived on the same street for decades and doubt it could ever happen to you. 也许你赶时间,跳过了通常的程序. Whatever the situation, try to remember to lock your doors and windows when you go out.
  • 坚固的门锁 - Install deadbolt locks on all exterior doors and doors from an attached garage. Select a deadbolt that has been given a Grade 1 from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). ANSI测试锁的安全性和持久性, 并给他们1级, 2年级或3年级,其中1年级最好.
  • 门板 - 使现有的锁更安全, install a heavy-duty strike plate using three-inch screws that penetrate the wall stud. 确保门闩被四个或更多的螺丝固定. You can also strengthen the door frame by installing a door jamb reinforcement product.
  • 安全标识 -在你的院子里放一个安全标志,或者在你的门上贴上贴纸. 它可能骗不了窃贼,但他可能会在袭击你的家时三思而后行.
  • 报警系统—考虑建立一个 家庭安防系统 用相机. 你甚至可能有资格 折扣 关于你的房主pp王者电子官网.
  • 景观 – Try to keep shrubs and bushes trimmed so burglars have fewer places to hide. Prune lower branches of trees near your house if they could help a burglar gain access to a second story window. 如果你正在增加新的景观, 也许你可以选择在窗下或窗周围种一些带刺的灌木,比如玫瑰. 你也可以考虑在人行道或窗户下面使用砾石, as the crunching noise of footsteps can help deter a burglar as they typically prefer a quiet entry.
  • 外部照明 - Install motion sensor lighting near entry points to catch intruders by surprise — but put it high enough that a burglar can't reach up and unscrew the bulb.
  • 清理 - Put tools, ladders, bikes and other valuable items away when you're done using them. If your possessions are too visible, burglars may wonder what else you have inside.
  • 毛茸茸的家庭保护者 狗是很好的窃贼威慑者,尤其是大型犬. 让你的狗被人看见和听见. 一个知道家里有狗的小偷可能会决定离开.


Consider these tips to help your home look occupied when you're away or on an 延长假期.

  • Put lights on timers with random settings to help prevent thieves from detecting a pattern.
  • 如果你要离开一段时间, 考虑开着收音机或电视, 开得很大,在外面都能听到. 如果你有长途旅行的话, think about using an electronic device that simulates the lights and flicker of a TV.
  • 如果你在收垃圾的那天不在家, ask a neighbor to put your garbage cans out to the street and take them back in.
  • 如果你要长途旅行, 你的草坪修剪过了吗?你的车道有了吗, 清除了积雪和树叶的门廊和走道. 当你不在的时候,不要让每天的递送堆积起来.
  • 你也可以让一个值得信赖的邻居帮你看房子, 收集你的邮件,否则给人一种活动的感觉.


  • 询问警察是否会对你家进行安全检查. 警察可以帮你指出你家哪里容易受到攻击.
  • Engrave your electronics with a non-official ID number to help police track goods if they're stolen.
  • Take photos or a home movie of every room and its contents and store the film in a safe deposit box. 学习如何 创建一个家庭清单 还有州立农场的小费®.
  • 不要在社交媒体网站上发布你的旅行计划. 一些窃贼利用社交网站寻找受害者.

阅读更多关于 保护您的住所 考虑和经纪人谈谈 房主, 租房者 or 公寓unitowners 州立农场pp王者电子官网.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







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Consider these tips to help with home security and protection when you are away.


The latest generation of remote home monitoring goes far beyond smoke detection and intrusion alerts. Multiple professional and do-it-yourself options are available to help make your home a smart home.


错误的铰链样式会让你的房子容易被入室盗窃. 以下是其他选项.


Learn how the different types of home alarm systems can help improve your home security and maybe even get you a discount 关于你的房主pp王者电子官网.

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